School Mottos

Auckland Grammar New Zealand  Per Angusta ad Augusta Through difficulties to greatness, Westlake Boys High New Zealand    Virtute Experimar   Let courage be thy test Grey College South Africa Stabile Quod Infidum  Nothing is steadfast if it is not true Eunice High South Africa  Vincit Qui Se Vincit  She Conquers Who Conquers Herself Pretoria Boys High, South Africa Virtute et Labore   through courage and labour,  Affies Seuns Pretoria Laat daar lig wees Let there be light, Wellington College New Zealand, Lumen accipe et imperti   Receive The Light And Pass It On, Millfield School, Somerset, England, Molire molendo, Success by grinding, Rugby School, England  Orando Laborando  By praying, by working, Bishops, Cape Town South Africa Pro Fide Et Patria  For Faith and Fatherland, Potchefstroom High School for Boys, South Africa Iustorum Semita Lux Splendens The path of righteousness is a shining light , Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, Altrincham, Cheshire, England Fortiter, Fideliter, Feliciter; Bravely, Faithfully and Cheerfully

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